Jose Luis Maccarone lived as an ex-gay for over 10 years. Peterson Toscano met him during his stay at Love in Action, an ex-gay residential program in Memphis, Tennessee. In 2000 Jose Luis moved from his home in Argentina to Madrid to serve as Exodus Interational’s first missionary. After a few years, he left Exodus and came out gay.

Peterson recently traveled to Madrid to meet with Jose Luis. In a series of YouTube videos, Peterson talked to Jose Luis about his experiences with the the ex-gay movement. It’s an enlightening and moving testimony.

Jose Luis shares some of the reasons why he became ex-gay:

Jose Luis talks about life as an Exodus leader and missionary:

Jose Luis talks about the good and the harm from his ex-gay experience:

Jose Luis talks about his recovery from the ex-gay movement and speaks to the people who he had ministered to as a missionary and ex-gay leader: 

[Hat tip: Peterson Toscano]

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