From ex-gay program survivor Peterson Toscano:

I went to Los Angeles to be a guest on the Tyra Banks Show. The show will air on Thursday April 12, 2007 and proves to be quite interesting. In the show Tyra (we are now on a first name basis) looks at some places where lesbians and gays are not safe.

Appearing with Toscano will be John Smid, Exodus board member and director of the ex-gay live-in program Love In Action, and Steven Fales, gay Mormon father and writer/performer of Confessions of a Mormon Boy. (That web site appears to be offline at the moment.)

U.S. show times for the Tyra Banks Show

Confessions of a Mormon Boy is appearing in Los Angeles through April 15 and then in Boston from April 26 to May 19.

And Christine Bakke, co-founder of Beyond Ex-gay, will be featured in the May issue of Glamour magazine, due on newsstands April 10 (online April 9).

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