mathmagic2.JPGWe have long noted the fondness that Exodus President Alan Chambers has for claiming that “hundreds of thousands of us have found freedom from the isolation and emptiness we experienced in gay life through the power of Jesus Christ”.

This Sunday the New York Times ran an article about persons who are unhappy with their same-sex attractions. While the story provided a good synopsis of services available in the NYC area, there was not much new to us. Except this:

It is unclear how many people participate in these programs, but a leading Christian organization in the movement, Exodus International, estimated in 2003 it had 11,000 in its affiliated ministries.

Hundreds of Thousands v. 11,000

hmmmmmmmmm. I think it’s time for More Math Magic

Let’s see…. with about 125 ministries, that’s about 88 per ministry (though new reports tend to mention lower numbers of attendees)… and assuming 1/3 drop out, and that the average person who doesn’t drop out fairly soon lasts about 2 years (just a guess), oh that would be about 3,700 freedom finders per year. And if we assume that “hundreds of thousands” is, let’s see, at least 200,000 then we can see that Exodus reached its number after only


Oh that can’t be right.

Sigh. Now it’s your turn.

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