Some of you have graciously embedded on your own sites the recent video presentation Daniel created. We were uncertain about the licensing of the music he used for the background, so this morning we took down the original and Daniel has modified it with music we can confirm is appropriately licensed for such use. The updated video has a different YouTube identifier so those of you who embedded it will need to grab the code from there once more.
This action wasn’t prompted, but we are aware of the need to be responsible about the materials we distribute and just wanted to make sure this was appropriate use for that creative work.
Thank you all for your support and for helping us raise these important issues for others to consider for themselves.
Done. For those of you who like to edit the raw html in your blog, all you have to do is go in to the embedding link code and find and edit the YouTube URL where (the previous URL) becomes (the new URL). There are two instances of this URL in the code you have to edit. Just replace SVwm8fSR8kw with 8QvorEfeI4g. I think one URL is just to download the title image and the other is to download the video stream.
That boilerplate embedding code is all you need it seems. The only thing that ever changes in it from video to video seems to be the random character string after the /v/ in the URL.
This has been your Thanksgiving Day helping of computer Geek.