It looks like you can go to your local Wal-Mart this weekend and not worry about running into Don Wildmon.
It looks like you can go to your local Wal-Mart this weekend and not worry about running into Don Wildmon.
Is it just me, or does Wildmon’s picture look like a dead-ringer for an old-time, honest-to-goodness kkk’er?
The presentation linked on that page features happy, healthy, professional gay people and a few conferences. Must enrage a man who sees them as lepers.
P.S. Why am I not getting my homosexual agenda newsletters anymore? Did I lose my double-secret authentication?
Looks to me like some copyright issues and possibly some other infringement concerning those documents they are displaying. Other than that, this is really typical Wildmon/AFA stuff – deceptive and overtly hate-mongering. He’s also on another planet if he actually believes anyone who shops at Walmart is going to change because of this. They couldn’t even get the Southern Baptists to stay away from Disney World (and I know, I am SB).
Every time I read something from that organization I feel like I need a shower.
P.S. Why am I not getting my homosexual agenda newsletters anymore? Did I lose my double-secret authentication?
If you had read my post to Timothy, you would realize you need to pay your dues
Need a toaster oven?
Toaster ovens?! And we call ourselves the homosexual agenda? Pffft.
AFA creeps me out. Check out their mission and philosophical statements:
Basically, they call themselves Christians but I would describe their religion more accurately as Bible-worshiping.
Basically, they call themselves Christians but I would describe their religion more accurately as Bible-worshiping.
I totally agree.
I have always told people that Christianity is a faith and not a religion. Religion tends to add doctrines that fall outside of what Christ himself originally taught to his apostles. As a non-practicing Catholic (baptized at 19), I eventually realized later in life that the Catholic Church relied heavily on church tradition in addition to “faith alone” to attain salvation. I find Christ’s simple message of salvation thru faith to be sufficient without having to add the burdens of man-made doctrines that need to be adhered to, again, in order to attain salvation. The simple gospel I feel tends to get lost when dogma gets in the way.
Love God and love one another was Christ’s new message. If you think about it these commandments are really not new concepts since you can find these commandments within the Old Testament if you look hard enough. It has always been about loving God (not false idols or a Bible) and loving your neighbor since God created the heavens and the earth. Anyone that knows the Bible can clearly see this.
**Forgot to post this at the end of my original post above.**
I want to make it clear that I’m not attacking the Catholic Church in any way. I used the CC as an example of “faith vs. tradition”.
I do confess I love the Mass and the Holy Eucharist.
*I sure can use a toaster oven and a copy of the Gay Agenda. Where do I sign up? :p
Check it out. Walmart caved: . They are now saying that they “will no longer make corporate contributions to support or oppose controversial issues unless they directly relate to their ability to serve their customers.”
This is interesting to me, as the GREAT majority of controversial issues supported by Walmart are those that are much more in keeping with Don Wildmon’s political perspectives:
Did he just shoot himself in the foot?
I’ve written to Wal Mart, as I think everyone should. I explained to them that I don’t want to know their policy. I simply want to know if policy has changed because of this hate group. Because if policy has not changed, Wildmon is exploiting a simple fact and taking credit for it; which would not surprise me. I also think corporations need to know that groups like the AFA are not as strong as they think they are. We, everyday people, are just as strong.
Well, Darren, the Washington Blade just published the following at It looks like there might be some slight alterations in Wal-Mart’s policy. Of course, they’re not attributing it to AFA.
“‘Mona Williams, Wal-Mart’s vice president of communications, said in a telephone interview that the company would continue working with the Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and other gay-rights groups on specific issues such as workplace equality.’
“‘Going forward, we would partner with them on specific initiatives. … as opposed to just giving blanket support to their general operating budget,’ she said.”
“The company’s statement, she said, resulted primarily from concerns expressed by customers and employees, not from the boycott threat.”
I think they got tired of hearing “Wal-Mart funds gay marriage”. This way they can earmark their funds for things like conferences or job discrimination or whatever and are then able to say “nope, we don’t fund gay marriage”.
Incidentally, many non-profits refuse restricted funds. It’s a paperwork nightmare and even impacts tax returns. But considering that the contributions were in healthy amounts I’m sure it won’t be a problem.
Besides, if Wal-Mart funds project A, it allows an organization to take the money they would have spent on A and spend it instead on project B so as long as the restrictions are reasonable and not for something odd it really has no impact at all.
I’m inclined to agree with Timothy on this one. And as long as they are making serious efforts to address GLBT issues for their workforce, and it seems they are, I’m fairly satisfied. Walmart isn’t stupid, they knew what to say to the Neanderthals, I mean nice people at AFA.
Seriously, they are becoming a global corporation with gazillions of dollars in revenue, do you really think Don Wildmon and his inflated email list scare them? But if a statement will do the trick, give them a statement.
It doesn’t appear to be a policy change as much as a clarification. According to the article, the groups to which they donate are groups that work for workplace equality. AFA twisted that position and turned it into “Walmart works for Gay marriage.” I don’t blame the company for not getting involved in such a contentious issue. I just hate that all the AFA “sheep” now believe that the group forced another company to bow to their hate filled wishes.