I’m in San Diego this weekend for San Diego Pride and was lucky enough to meet friend of Ex-Gay Watch Autumn Sandeen.
I’m in San Diego this weekend for San Diego Pride and was lucky enough to meet friend of Ex-Gay Watch Autumn Sandeen.
I just returned back from the opening ceremony of the Outgames. It was pretty good, especially with the Cirque du Soleil performances. ^_^
Eep! I’m hot, sweaty (unusually humid weather in San Diego for the past three weeks!), and worse yet — look fat! Where’s my salad!
Autumn, don’t kid yourself. You look fabulous! I love it when I can place a face to a name.
Have fun in S.D.
And on a sadder note regarding San Diego Pride:3 men hurt in anti-gay attack near festivalIncident treated as a hate crimeBy Kristina Davis and Lisa PetrilloSTAFF WRITERSSAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE – CA, USAJuly 31, 2006 Excerpt:
Autunm darling, I would love to give you a big hug!
I love you in this picture!
Daniel, do NOT leave Calif!
I hate the news about this assault. So far, people who are violent like this to the innocent and unsuspecting, wouldn’t stop at a convenient gay bashing.
I wish the Pink Pistols had been around. Maybe some hot lead will help get the message across to not mess with gay folks and take it for granted they won’t fight back.
The message that gay people (who rarely have a chance to fight back physically and rarely do anyway) are the dangerous ones to society, looks not only illogical but dangerously stupid when straight gangs are running around shooting, stabbing and bashing people’s heads with bats.
Not incidentally, two more young people were killed in Los Angeles yesterday-victims of car to car bullets.
To say nothing of yet another anti Semitic fatal shooting at a Jewish social club.
Ya know people…our society really has MUCH bigger priorities than two men or two women marrying.
The FOTF and FRC should be embarrassed for their johnny comes late outreach to black and Latino communities in their anti gay crusades.
They couldn’t have cared less about black and brown folks before, this absolutely evil menace plagues everyone…
So, just WHAT kind of family does FOTF thinks it’s saving?
Oh Regan, you know the answer to your question. Theirs and theirs only; and, to hell with anyone elses, because their jesus tells them that civil rights are a zero-sum game.
Well, trust this sister to blow somebody’s hair back.
I’m very glad for my experience with the police. It really does put things in perspective. You get a sense of how fragile our hold on life is and how important it is to embrace one’s happiness and staring down evil and violence help you recognize what real evil, injustice and courage is.
Los Angeles is one of the biggest cities in all of America.
Our police force is small, considering the size and population.
The work was intense. One had to really focus and know a lot about cultural sensitivity and keep an open and alert mind.
Those out there who think they know ALL about gay people, and what gay people are up to and what the so called gay agenda is…really have no idea how misdirected, let alone stupid, their energies are.
The more of our gang I meet, Sharon, and the more faces I can put to names, I am SO comforted and feel like I hit the lottery with the bunch here at XGW.