The U.S. antigay Catholic group Courage, which contends there is a “homosexual identity” and then coaches same-sex-attracted Catholics to reject that identity in favor of chastity, will hold its national conference July 27 at St. Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri.

The Catholic Action Network for Social Justice plans a vigil outside the conference.

Courage’s understanding of homosexuality directly contradicts statements by major professional mental health and medical associations including the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

St. Louis University, a Jesuit University that emphasizes social justice and diversity, is hosting the Courage National Conference this year.

Visit the Catholic Action Network for more information about the vigil.

(Hat tip: Charles)

The antigay Catholic group Courage is not affiliated with the British evangelical, formerly exgay organization Courage.)

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