is seeking to let Colorado Springs meet Norman, a dog that says “Moo”. It’s part of an effort to encourage discussion about the biological bases for sexual orientation.

According to the Colorado Springs Gazette, they are running ads on television and have banners around town featuring Norman and have information on their website.

The facts they quote on their site, particularly about twin studies, are overly broad and may be outdated, but their purpose is to initiate dialog, not “offer conclusive scientific proof one way or the other”.

Of course Focus on the Family was ready to downplay the scientific community’s position, change the subject, and play the marriage card:

Even if the ads aren’t supposed to start technical, scientific discussions, a psychologist for Focus on the Family said the campaign gives the false impression of a consensus among experts. Bill Maier, vice president and psychologist in residence at Focus, said scientists have reached no conclusions on a biological basis for homosexuality.

Maier said he suspects the campaign is a cloaked effort to advance political agendas such as legal gay marriage.

“What saddens me the most about this is that gays and lesbians themselves are being kept in the dark about the true nature of sexuality,” he said.

Is that what saddens you most, Bill? Somehow I doubt it. If you really cared about gay people being told the “true nature” of sexuality you wouldn’t try to spin, twist, or deny the results of scientific studies such as those about a mother’s chromosomes or the orientation of younger brothers. If the interests of gays and lesbians themselves were that high of a priority to you, Bill, you wouldn’t lobby for legislation that makes their day to day lives more difficult or takes away their health care.

I think you are just trying to say something that will sound sympathetic in the press but which you don’t really believe. Old-fashioned conservative folk like me have a name for that.

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