The London Times is reporting that the Archbishop of Cantebury, Rowan Williams, is drawing up plans to remove the Episcopal Church – and other nonconforming liberal Anglican bodies – from full membership in the Communion. This is because the Episcopal Church, the American branch of the Anglicans, would not repent for electing an openly gay man as Bishop.
Dr Williams is proposing a two-track Anglican Communion, with orthodox churches being accorded full, “constituent” membership and the rebel, pro-gay liberals being consigned to “associate” membership.
All provinces will be offered the chance to sign up to a “covenant” which will set out the traditional, biblical standards on which all full members of the Anglican church can agree.
But it is highly unlikely that churches such as The Episcopal Church in the US, the Anglican churches in Canada and New Zealand and even the Scottish Episcopal Church would be able to commit themselves fully to such a document.
If this continues to move in the direction that it appears to be going, this would be the first evident schism in what I predict will become a worldwide multidenominational split in Christianity unlike anything seen since the institution of slavery challenged the church and it’s understanding of “the authority of scripture” and what it means to be a Christian.
Anyone do a little research on how American churchs split over slavery around the Civil War? That’s when Southern Baptists split off from American Baptists. It’s a similar situation. While the divisions continue, how long did it take for the original impetus to be forgotten?
My mom, a deeply spiritual woman, taught me that “everything happens for a reason” and you know… it does. Jesus Christ will be there for our brothers and sisters regardless of how the church stationary reads.
Looking forward to tommorow.
I am an Episcopalian. I am gay. I have been torn over whether or not I am still an Anglican. Sadly, I am not. It is not the liberal Episcopalians who broke faith with the worldwide Anglican communion. The ABC has broken faith with me, his gay brother, and I can no longer in good conscience consider myself in communion with the ABC. The Episcopal church has a rich heritage of being ‘out of step’ with conservatives and should neither be afraid nor ashamed to be on its own. My “prayers” are with ++Williams as he guides what remains of the Anglican communion (both its constituent members and its associate members.) May God have mercy on all of us.
First the historical question. When the Presbyterians broke into southern and northern branches it took over a century to re-merge.
ABC is the wrong person to get angry with. PB Griswold and PB-elect Schori sold you a pack of goods and enforced it using unconstitutional means (see my blog for details).
Windsor WAS the compromise. There is an American adage that it is easier to say you’re sorry than ask permission. Here is a sad example of why this isn’t always true. Lambeth 1.10e (cannot advise the legitimising or blessing of same sex unions nor ordaining those involved in same gender unions;) was already on the books and the actions of GC 2003 was in blatent violation of it. Thus, Windsor was established as a confidence building measure and moratoriums were requested on ordaining non-celibate homosexual bishops and blessing same sex unions until the mind of the church changed. TEC could chose to accept this or “walk apart”. Then the power structure discovered that they couldn’t play footsie at Lambeth because people of conscience on both the left and right rejected A161. They then imposed B033 knowing full well that it was unacceptable because A161 was unacceptable and B033 was weaker. They asked you to sacrifice for nothing. Once this all shakes out and the conservative minority leaves one way or another, if I were you I’d watch my back.
What the ABC is proposing is in the best interest of all involved. The conservatives are taking kindly to it. There are other nastier scenarios that could occur if TEC decides to play hard ball.
I thought that the restrictions discussed document might be applied both ways. There’s some ingracious language that leaders of the global south ought to be called to account of as well. Oh, and those less than tactful ultimatums and unilateral actions might out-of-line as well.
Observing as a disinterested bystander Methodist.