Feminary is a “socially liberal theologically orthodox inclusive tolerant feminist Episcopalian (who) goes to one of the world’s top evangelical seminaries.”

Feminary’s preaching class recently viewed a DVD about Peter Storey, Methodist Archbishop of South Africa and chaplain to Nelson Mandela in prison. Here’s an excerpt from notes taken during class:

Some of the religious groupings in this country are actually serving the powerful. If they make political statements that align with the powerful they are chaplains to power, not prophets. If there’s one definition of a prophet that cannot be challenged, it is that a prophet never serves the powerful.

Definition of a Prophet:

  • Advocacy on behalf of God’s little people.
  • Courage to speak truth to power.
  • The prophet always looks to see who are God’s little ones NOW. That group can change – when new people take power, the prophet switches sides. The prophet is always on the side of the weak, poor, marginalized.
  • Whose image is on the coin? Whose image is on a human being? God’s. Do not let Caesar mess with people whose image is of the living God.
  • The prophet always stands with the people made in God’s image who are being treated as if they belonged to Caesar.

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