Exodus has announced workshops being held at this year’s conference. Not surprisingly there are twice as many workshops designed to prevent male-on-male sex than those helping the ladies. As expected Focus On The Family employees are leading politically oriented workshops.

Why Not Gay Marriage?: — Glenn T. Stanton
Responding with Intelligence and Compassion
Many are engaged in the culture over same-sex marriage, but few are engaging it intelligently and compassionately, seeking both to win arguments and the hearts of people. Glenn Stanton, who debates on same-sex marriage on college campuses around the nation speaks from his experience of intelligently and winsomely discussing the issue, but also reaching out to his opponents and making real friendships.

Why We Can’t Stay Silent – Melissa Fryrear
When Jesus said, “Blessed are the righteous,” He yearned for people who would defend all that is right against all that is wrong. In addition to seeing people brought to the saving knowledge of Christ, Christians should be compelled by God’s love to defend the biblical worldview and engage the culture. This session offers an historical view of the Church’s influence in the culture and exhorts Christians not to be silent but to boldly defend the tenants of Christianity in cultural, educational, and policy arenas.

Perhaps at this year’s conference Ms. Fryrear will meet a homosexual who has not been molested. If any XGW readers who have not been molested attend the conference please identify yourself to Ms. Fryrear.

The award for best workshop title goes to Randy Thomas. I’ve got no clue what it’s about but it’s got to be good:

Escaping the Gaytrix – Randy Thomas

From the same city that brought you Kevin Federline comes…

What’s Wrong With Masturbation? – Russell Willingham
We’ve all wondered about Masturbation. Is it healthy self-expression or a bondage? What does the Bible say and not say about it? In this workshop we will explore these questions and look at ways to deal with this challenging issue.

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