Much like Las Vegas, modern antigay religion is an industry of sin. It builds much of its business upon the profitable violation of the Ten Commandments.

Case in point: Exodus’ pre-Easter message on the Live Out Loud web site.

Exodus staffer Caryn Davis whines that the gay parents and children who lined up to participate in the annual White House Easter Egg Roll are taking slots away from heterosexual parents and children.

If these gay-identified couples want to be seen as considerate thoughtful neighbors, they wouldn’t take this opportunity alongside other families to make a stink of divisiveness and activism.

In other words, Davis demands that gay parents closet themselves — and their children — to soothe her own insecurity. Davis repeatedly accuses the parents of “divisiveness” and “activism” and of carrying a “stink” (apparently of rotten eggs) with them. But the only thing distinguishing the gay parents from other parents is their rainbow leis; other parents, meanwhile, wear symbols of faith or country. Davis apparently believes that a gay parent is an activist merely because one exists.

Perhaps the worst among her sins is Davis’ insinuation that undeserving children who attend the White House lawn celebration spoil the day for deserving children, presumably kids from good fundamentalist homes:

I hope that the kids that don’t make it in because 200 activists got in line before them for the Easter egg roll can have fun despite not getting into the Lawn. May their blue-skied spring day not be spoiled by rotten activism.

In one Easter message, Exodus violates two of the Ten Commandments.

  • Davis bears false witness against gay parents,
  • Davis covets the nice day enjoyed by her former Washington neighbors, and encourages antigay parents to join in the coveting

Before Easter 2007 rolls around, Ex-Gay Watch respectfully advises Exodus to check for rotten eggs in its own Easter egg basket.

For less spiteful information about the Easter Egg Roll, check out the Washington Post profile of some participating families, published today.

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