The American Family Association periodically employs exgay Stephen Bennett as a writer and activist, and supplies Exodus International with much of its antigay “news” through the misnamed “Agape Press” nameplate.

In a fund-raising “petition” dated and e-mailed today:

AFA anti-Ford “petition” (PDF file)

the AFA dehumanizes same-sex-attracted persons and their families and supporters by repeatedly referring to them as “homosexuals.” While an isolated reference to the noun might be sensible, AFA persistently uses the word alone, without modifiers. The objective of this tactic is to reduce people to nothing more than their sex drives — and then to project that smear onto same-sex-attracted persons, falsely accusing them of defining themselves solely by their sexual attractions or conduct.

If the smear tactic stopped there, AFA could already be condemned for savaging human souls, reducing decent people (including Christians) to smut. Tthis is what AFA — and its allies, Exodus and Stephen Bennett — consider Christian “ministry.”

But the tactic does not stop there: The head of AFA, Don Wildmon, has a long history of asserting that only one word — “sodomites” — is truly appropriate for people who either struggle with, or responsibly manage, same-gender attraction.

So long as Exodus and Stephen Bennett affirm AFA’s desecration of other people, their own credentials as “Christians” are questionable at best.

Postscript: In the fine print at the end of the “petition,” the AFA attempts to profit further from the 2001 video titled “It’s Not Gay,” which was hosted by an antigay activist — Michael Johnston — who in 2003 shut his organization when it was disclosed that he was deliberately exposing people to the HIV virus.

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