Former Love In Action live-in patient Peterson Toscano asks the questions that Love In Action’s intake staffers should have asked — and might have asked — before granting admission to 29-year-old teacher Chad Stoffel.
Did they ask the right questions? We don’t know — Love In Action has offered little information about Stoffel’s application, admittance, and his alleged confession and arrest on charges relating to sexual activity with a minor.
Confidentiality provisions and the current criminal investigation may prevent disclosure of details about Stoffel, but there is no reason for Love In Action to withhold information from the public about its intake processes and its safeguards against interaction between sexually troubled adult men on the one hand, and confused and impressionable teen-agers on the other.
I’m not easily shocked, but this shocks me. This unthinking behavior by the organization’s leadership is just incredible … In their quest to fulfil their reparative therapy mission, I wonder how many other thoughtless actions they engaged in?
Child sex suspect once member of `ex-gay’ ministry By Peter Franceschina South Florida Sun-Sentinel Posted March 12 2006
[Comment truncated by the moderator.]
Thanks, Autumn. I truncated the comment because we can’t republish entire newspaper articles due to copyright restrictions. Folks can click the link to read the full article, at least for a couple days.
No prob. 🙂
I see that DL Foster is all over the place, criticizing ROSMY and Julian Bond for having a support group specifically aimed at the needs of gay teens or their adult mentors.
He finds the entire operation a suspect den of pederasts apparently.
With no proof or complaints or evidence of that.
I’d never heard of ROSMY before he complained about it.
On the other hand, he gives LIA glowing reports and reviews and any critics of LIA are harshly rebuked.
Can someone tell me what’s wrong with that picture?
Regan — there’s nothing wrong with the picture. It’s all very clear to me. Maybe you need glasses :)DL Foster was invited to hand any information over to the local police. By us. By many others. We even gave him the contact details. He hasn’t done anything other than continue with slanderous and self-promoting nonsense.It’s just one more of his nasty ways