On his web site, African-American exgay activist D.L. Foster acknowledged yesterday that he is an active supporter of the Constitution Party. Foster says he spoke at the Party’s 2004 Georgia convention.
Foster appears to be correct that no professed racists were on the 2004 Georgia state program.
However, the convention’s listed speaker, Gary DeMar, allegedly strives for a fundamentalist federal government and advocates the execution of homosexuals and adulterers. (Related documentation via Google search.)
As XGW also recently noted, the Southern Poverty Law Center has identified several Constitution Party candidates and speakers in other states as self-declared white supremacists.
No doubt Foster disagrees with the assessments of the liberal SPLC, but does he also deny the self-disclosures of white supremacism by party candidates?
Don’t try and discuss the roots of racist, segregationist or anti Semitic history and the sorts of people who engage in that kind of political behavior with Foster.
He won’t get the point of the exercise. And hate you for the reminder.
There is something very strange about anyone in the ex gay movement who is themselves ex gay.
If they think they are safe because they’ve renounced their identity and moved so far to the other side as to also engage in politics that would hurt who they left behind…they have another think coming.
Soon, if this organization gets their way,
those who were EVER gay will be unforgiven and put on the block too.
This group won’t be interested in someone who switches sides because it looks rosier.
Ex gays reveal a certain sort of duplicity that can’t be trusted.
Proof that the Devils greatest lie is that he doesnt exist. How can any man of God ally himself with such pathetic bigots, they are a party of bigots that would have him in a butlers uniform in no time flat. I thought being with God meant making the difficult choices and walking the difficult roads; not whoring yourself out to the closest microphone just to garner publicity to stop his growing obscurity.
Mike, don’t bother. Well, do, but don’t bother yourself — if you get what I mean :)Dear ol’ “meep meep” is having an episode. The fact he’s shacking up with a bunch of people that think he’s “useful” for now (and cannon fodder at other times) is perverse, but not without history. My Uncle Tom told me that.(PS. Now we all know that you personally drove down and arranged a herd of mannish lesbians to leave their basket weaving for a mo and go throw paint on the most truthful billboard in the history of the world… but don’t tell DL. I think your denial at his blog was an absolute hoot! Pure comedy.)The man’s as mad as a hatter. And, come to think of it, he has as little verified history as does one Stephen Bennett.Perhaps it’s time he was called on his “testimony”?
Jeezis. How many different ways can one person hate himself?