
An online religious webcam station, 24/7 WWJD, is hosting a free video stream of “It’s Not Gay,” a 28-minute video that has been sold for several years by the American Family Association for $15. The video stars now-disgraced exgay activist Michael Johnston, who in 2003 retired from exgay activism after he was discovered to have had recent orgies with gay men while neglecting to disclose his HIV-positive status to his liaisons. The video co-stars PFOX president and exgay counselor Richard Cohen, who in 2002 was expelled from the American Counseling Association for unethical conduct with some of his patients. The video does not acknowledge either scandal.

The message of the video: Nearly all homosexual men are promiscuous, diseased, unfaithful to their partners, and traitors against their parents. The video cites countless unsubstantiated statistics and unnamed “studies,” and interviews no actual homosexuals or mainstream experts.

WWJD finds some parts of “It’s Not Gay” too graphic for airing, so it talks over portions of the video — arguably prettifying the video’s dishonesty and vitriol against homosexual men.

If you’d prefer not to visit 24/7 WWJD directly, you can watch the video via Google Video. If you do visit the religious web site, consider writing a polite letter to the operators — and take care to document specific factual omissions and distortions in the video. Feel free to borrow from the responses that follow this post, or from elsewhere at XGW. Tell them who sent you. 🙂

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