Peterson Toscano has three recent posts he describes as “awesome” he feels have gone unappreciated by Ex-Gay Watch. Said posts are based on principals Peterson was taught in the Love In Action program and include scans of select pages. Who am I to say no to Peterson? Voila, the posts are titled:

The Ex-Gay Lifestyle
How Ex-Gay Therapies Made Me More Desirable to GAYS!
Submission for Bondage Lovers

A passage from How Ex-Gay Therapies Made Me More Desirable to GAYS! caused me to laugh out loud and awaken my roommate:


Once I began to hang out with “ex-gays”, I received lessons on how to present myself as a white heterosexual protestant male. My pastor had written a book that revealed how gay men were often “limp wristed” and effeminate. An “ex-gay” roommate of mine coached me on how to bring the inflection of my voice down to a more masculine level.

At the beginning of my two-year stint at Love in Action (LIA), I received the Steps Out Program Manual with the front cover partial image of a manly workman firmly gripping his toolbox. In fact, this same image appears on nearly every third page of the 374-page book.

Don’t expect much out of me for the next week. We’re submitting plans for a 400 unit condo complex to the city of Las Vegas before Thanksgiving.

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