On their website and by email, NARTH endorsed a delightful article on Townhall.com attacking essentially all multicultural studies college classes as evil. I’m not kidding, whoever wrote this article was rabid, foaming at the mouth and willing to go after anyone. Have a read:

There’s an emphasis on multicultural studies, and few campuses have escaped the disease — and it’s not yet Halloween. The title of a course taught to undergraduates in American studies at New York University, for example, is called “Intersections: Gender Race and Sexuality in U.S. History and Politics.” You might think this is a strange way to get at American history.

You’re so right NARTH and Townhall.com! History should only be delivered to us as it happens through the perspective of heterosexual (ok mostly heterosexual) white Christian men at Fox News.

I’m not sure if NARTH realizes how much of an ass this makes them look like, promoting an attack on the very notion of a cultural studies class. (The article at Townhall isn’t just about queer studies classes, the author goes after several ethnic groups too.)

Wow, that’s gunna make it uncomfortable for NARTH Chairman of the Board and UC Davis Professor Benjamin Kaufman next time he runs into the ladies of Women and Gender Studies in the cafeteria.

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