From Queer Day:
CBS has again refused to air United Church of Christ’s gay-inclusive television commercial saying it amounts to “advocacy” and therefore cannot be aired because it runs counter to a network policy against advocacy ads. UCC president Ron Buford said, “We told them that the United Church of Christ commercial was not advocating anything; rather, we are letting people know that no matter who they are, or where they are on life’s journey, they are welcome,” Buford said. “The executives said that it would have to become commonplace across the United States for churches to welcome gays and lesbians,” Buford said.
I saw this posted on the weekend over at Pam’s House Blend. I actually saw the commercial on CNN a few months back and felt it was riveting and actually gave me chills seeing what a church is actually supposed to look like. The excuse that CBS gave was a complete insult to the gay and lesbian population and said something to the effect that things would have to change in churches across the country for this ad to be shown. What a complete crock. How are churches supposed to change their prejudices and discriminatory policies against their fellow man if messages like this are prohibited? I guess that question was too obvious for the “executives” to ponder. My guess is the real reason has something to do with threats of boycotts from the ever smug and arrogant religious right movement.