In a story today on its CitizenLink web service, Focus on the Family reported (emphasis is XGW’s):
Gerard Wellman, who joined the staff of Love in Action after completing its program and leaving homosexuality, said the group helps hundreds of young men each year. He said those who come looking for help often bring other issues, such as depression.
But spokesman Wellman did not leave homosexuality. Instead, he (and Focus) silently redefined sexual orientation to refer solely to behavior, not sexual and romantic attraction. Wellman has told ABC, CNN, and The Guardian that “change” and “homosexual” describe behavior, not people.
Focus’ latest article avoids informing the readership of the full extent of Tennessee’s case against Love In Action, and concludes by changing the subject — to hawk products, in this case Focus employee and Exodus chairman Mike Haley’s booklet “101 Frequently Asked Questions about Homosexuality.”
The claim that LIA only deals with behavior has now been further redefined. If you check their web page, you read:
Love In Action does not seek to change people’s “orientation”; rather, LIA exists to help people align their behavior with their faith. We seek to give options to the people who come to us for help — options about how they live their lives. There is homosexual and heterosexual behavior, but neither word describes people; therefore there can be no change from an identity that never existed to begin with.
In light of their recent legal actions against TN, I suspect that they are reframing themselves further as a (persecuted) religious organization.
If you cannot win by merit, change the argument…