There is a nice article in the Columbia Missourian about how churches are increasingly divided about how gay people fit in. The article focuses on a group of Methodist women – mothers of gay men – that decided to change their church.

One segment of the article discusses the efforts of the ex-gay movement. Although much of it is the standard general info about Exodus and its 400,000 phone calls, one paragraph caught my attention:

Living Waters, an intense 9-month program designed for those who are “sexually broken,” has steadily increased in enrollment. Donna Thornhill, a licensed professional counselor who works with the program, says Living Waters has a 90 percent success rate — success being measured by a person’s ability to live a normal heterosexual lifestyle.

Is Thornhill actually claiming that they turn 90% of their client into heterosexuals? Really?

Or is Thornhill saying that 90% of their clients could pretend to be heterosexual and live a “lifestyle” of pretending to not be gay and hoping that some day they may have some feelings of attraction to the opposite sex?

If anyone knows anything about Living Waters (which seems affiliated with Pure Heart Ministries in St. Louis) or Donna Thornhill, it would be interesting to see what she’s actually claiming.

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