The NPR radio program On Point aired a one-hour discussion of exgay “therapy” on July 29.

According to the Making Gays Straight program description, the discussion participants were three exgay advocates, two critics of exgay therapies’ safety and effectiveness, and a reporter who has covered Love In Action’s exgay boot camp.

  • Alex Williams, style reporter for The New York Times (Google search for Williams’ coverage of the LIA story)
  • Christine Sneeringer, Director of Worthy Creations Ministry, which offers support groups for gay people who want to become straight
  • Joseph Nicolosi, Director of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality
  • Jack Drescher, Chair of the American Psychiatric Association Committee on Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual issues
  • Leah Deriel, recent graduate and engineer who has sought help to stop her strong feelings toward women
  • Brandon Tidwell, a former client of “Love in Action,” a evangelical program in Memphis for gay men and women who want to become straight.

No doubt exgay pundits would call a 3-to-2 bias in favor of exgays “fair and balanced.” However, Dr. Robert Spitzer’s exhaustive 2001 search for successful exgays found barely 200, compared to a U.S. gay population of approximately 10 million (assuming 3 percent of Americans are predominantly same-sex-attracted). Also, “hundreds of thousands” of people have been tallied as exgays on the Exodus scorecard, but 30 percent or fewer of exgays (according to Exodus President Alan Chambers) remain so.

Which seems fairer and more accurate: A 200-to-10,000,000 ratio, Chambers’ 3-to-7 ratio, or a 3-to-2 ratio?

(A 200-to-10-million ratio, by the way, works out to 0.00002 exgays for each gay radio-show guest.)

This radio program was organized on short notice, and exgays appear to have been better organized and prepared than ex-exgays to advance their agenda within tight media deadlines. Ex-exgays were not so ready; there is currently no organized national network of ex-exgays, and some ex-exgays could not be reached on short notice.

On Point offers Windows Media and RealPlayer versions of the discussion.

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