Today the Agapepress gleefully reports homosexuals have been arrested for public sex at Richfield County Park in Michigan. Gary Glenn, the apparent head of the AFA Michigan has noticed a trend and is quoted:

Glenn observes an alarming trend in reports of such criminally lewd behavior. “I went back and looked over the records of the incidents of this kind of thing that I have in my files,” he says, “and it seems in almost every case, there are public school employees who are involved when there is an arrest made in a public park for men soliciting homosexual activity.”

Two similar instances occurred in southeast Michigan, and another happened in Pittsburgh in the last several years, the AFA-Michigan president notes — and in each case, he says, “public school employees were involved.”

Glenn does not offer up substantiation other than his vague collection of private files. The Agapepress continues it’s role as unquestioning mouthpiece of the bigoted and ignorant does nothing to question Glenn further. Let’s hear it again:

“I went back and looked over the records of the incidents of this kind of thing that I have in my files.”

“I have in my files…” Are they kidding me?

People buy this tripe? If anyone here doesn’t buy it and would care to share some thoughts with the author Jim Brown or Gary Glenn just click on their names.

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