Magellan Health Services has invited Warren Throckmorton back to it’s advisory board. (Previous coverage at XGW)

Quoting this AP article at

Magellan spokeswoman Erin Somers said Thursday the company was preparing a written statement. She confirmed that the company had offered to allow Throckmorton to return to the advisory board. She would not say why the company decided to allow him to return.

Throckmorton had his own theory. “My understanding of the reason for bringing me back is they felt by dismissing me, they created an impression they were not an inclusive company, and in bringing me back they wanted to correct that misperception,” Throckmorton said. “I think it’s a good move. I think it does help to correct the viewpoint that Magellan had out there that they were intolerant. I think it’s the right move for them to make.”

I didn’t notice this story till almost midnight Pacific Time so it’ll be a news cycle till all sides of the story are out and much analysis can be done.

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