Soulforce is an interfaith organization that organizes nonviolent resistance to spiritual violence against gay and gay-tolerant individuals.
In conjunction with its prayer vigil this year at Focus on the Family headquarters in Colorado Springs, Soulforce is distributing a booklet on Focus co-founder James Dobson. The booklet is free online; hard copies are available for a donation.
Why every person of faith should be deeply troubled by Dr. James Dobson’s dangerous and misleading words about the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community
By Jeff Lutes, M.S., L.P.C.
Table of Contents:
Foreword: Mary Barber, M.D., President of the Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists
Dr. Dobson Is Not My Enemy: We are both children of God
The Psychology Of Fear: Five false and spiritually violent claims by Focus on the Family
- Violent Claim One: Homosexuality is a mental disorder caused by family problems and bad parenting
- Violent Claim Two: Gay people want to destroy marriage and the family
- Violent Claim Three: Same-gender parents are unfit and seek to hurt children
- Violent Claim Four: Homosexuality can be prevented by parents and cured through "reparative therapy"
- Violent Claim Five: Gays and lesbians are sick, ungodly people who want "special rights," not civil rights
Strange Science: How research is twisted to promote Dr. Dobson’s antigay bias
Dr. Dobson’s Deception By Omission: Those happy families Dr. Dobson never told you about
Dobson’s Word Is Not God’s Word: None of us own a copyright on the Bible or a patent on Christianity