A few weeks back, I got fed up with Scattered Words’ repeated insertion of duplicate trackbacks, or links to Scattered Words, into pages at Ex-Gay Watch.

I eventually went back and deleted Scattered Words’ old link insertions on XGW pages. I also blocked Scattered Words from posting new links, and last week I complained to SW blogger "Ben."

As readers will see from the linked discussion, I indicated to "Ben" that his duplicate link insertions were unwelcome. But if he had any objections to Ex-Gay Watch posts, I said, he was welcome to comment on-site at XGW.

Instead of responding constructively, "Ben" retorted smugly that "smart website owners" switch from TypePad to a blog host that is capable of blocking his buggy duplicates.

Instead of overhauling Ex-Gay Watch for the sole purpose of blocking Ben’s inept linking, I have unblocked Ben’s trackback spam for the time being. This not only will permit XGW readers to decide whether "Ben" is a capable and responsible user of the trackback feature of blogging, but also will allow readers to determine whether Ben’s frequent criticisms of XGW are rooted in balanced, comprehensive analysis and sound logic — or counterproductive cynicism and the isolated potshot.

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