In a Dec. 3 news release riddled with boldface print worthy of an amateur fundamentalist Bible tract, Exodus criticizes honest depictions of "gay life" and ridicules unconditional love.

Exodus denies that "monogamous partnerships exist"; makes the baseless assertion that media depictions of happiness, loneliness, success and failure constitute a "Utopia"; and backs that with another baseless assertion, that diverse depictions of gay people from different sources are really just a united and nefarious "PR campaign" funded and orchestrated by conveniently unnamed entities.

Exodus then blames honesty, not Exodus’ own efforts to ostracize gay people, for the "young people [who] break ties with family and friends."

Exodus flees responsibility for the consequences its own actions. Exodus and other exgay organizations oppose anti-bullying programs that would permit bullied gay youth and their parents to keep friends and families intact. Exodus then generalizes that suffering, baselessly representing loneliness and misery as the norm for all gay youth.

Exodus summarizes all gay relationships with a dismissive reference to "the reality that two emotionally broken partners do not equal one emotionally whole relationship." In other words, Exodus asserts that gay people are  inherently mentally ill and inherently incapable of solid relationships.

Exodus avoids the obvious ramifications: Since most exgay people are still gay (that is, primarily same-sex-attracted), they would be mentally ill, also, and incapable of marriage. Instead of following its accusations to a logical conclusion, Exodus pretends that closeting oneself and suppressing one’s sexual and romantic attractions miraculously cures one’s mental illness.

Exodus projects onto gay people the negative experiences of exgay and antigay individuals who harass themselves, their families, their churches: "burned relational bridges with God, parents, siblings, wives and children."

The projection of exgays’ own suffering does not stop there. "Bitterness, loneliness,
isolation and fear" are described as the universal experience of gay people. Exodus’ only effort at substantiation is a bizarre distortion of this article which finds that aging gay people experience the same problems as the elderly population in general.

Having insulted elderly gay people, Exodus offers itself as the solution to the problems of the elderly — problems irrationally blamed on homosexuality. In real life, in the book of Job, even in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, people struggle through trial, injustice, and unhappiness. Exodus does not invite people to live real life, but to join a cult that is divorced itself from reality and opted to live in a hypnotic trance. In this cult, a privileged elite is very nearly described as having died and gone to heaven already: "free from that misery and living in hope. … All of them have the security that they are loved, forgiven, accepted and protected by God. For them misery, fear and despair are things of the past."

The authors of the Exodus news release have egos swollen by pride: "Parents to five children, the Brown’s [sic] are a beacon of hope in central Texas."

Baseless assertions, distortion of polling, cult spirituality, and relentless stereotyping: These are traits that have long hobbled Exodus communications.

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