Averyfineline.com commented a couple weeks ago with the usual insight and sensitivity, as well as some concern, about the comeback of Southern gospel music singer Kirk Talley.
Talley announced Aug. 21 (in an e-mailed newsletter that was not made available online) that he has concluded a six-month period of retreat and redemption. He is resuming concerts, attending Maranatha Church of the Harvest in Lenoir City, Tenn., and continuing counseling. He thanked a long list of people, including people who happen to be his ex-gay counselors.
I don’t know if Kirk takes a low key approach then maybe his fans will forget/forgive and he can move on with his life as he sees fit. However if Kirk makes an issue of his status (gay, ex-gay. celibate) then he is probably setting himself up for a big downfall one way or the other. Hopeful Kirk will resist the latter temptation to focus on his music.
I forgive you and I did the moment I heard. Christ is unconditional love and that is the kind of love we should have. I am so glad that God gave you the support and the rest to find your place back in his arms. Your music has always been the place that I can escape and be with God. Thank you for saying all the things I love to say to God. My brother you are precious to me and I want to encourage you to comeback stronger than ever. Your sister. I love you in Christ.
On April 22, 2005 I attended a K.Talley concert @ the Assembly of God Church in S.Fulton, TN. On that particular day I had just gotten home from a funeral….the death of my brother who had suffered a terrible death of bone & brain cancer.
I attended the concert in hopes of being renewed, strengthened, my spirits lifted…..but instead…..I heard a 45 min long speech about his false allegations of his homosexual lifestyle & divorce etc……my spirit was already broken and crushed…..and the last thing I needed to hear was about his false allegations of being called a homo…..Christ never spoke in defense of himself…and as Christians, when we live for Christ we will suffer persecutions……but we must never promote a defensive gospel. Our Savior litigated our defense along time ago at Calvary. When we magnify our defense today…..we bring glory to Satan and hurt the hurting. I also believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given freely…..without charge…..and we’re not to peddal the gospel for a profit…….especially the gifts of the HolySpirit…….FREELY HAVE YOU RECEIVED THEN FREELY GIVE. We’re not to make God’s house a house of merchandise. (not a popular concept) I know. If God has blest us with gifts…..then minister……don’t charge>
Christ gave his blood freely……then who are we to market the gospel>>>> I include myself in this also.
You are very special to me. I love your music as a teen and now as a mature adult I listen to The Talleys over and over again. I have been searching for you old CD’s but cannot find them. This is how comes I came up on this issue with you. Whatever happend will NEVER change my love for you and your music. I think you are a great inspiration to many many people. I miss you in The Talleys and hope that you will do another album with Roger and Debbie.
Come on Kirk, whatever happened happened and you dont have to justify yourself to anyone except God. As the lady in here wrote, she went to you concert to hear you sing and minister to people not defend yourself. When you do that you are just sinking yourself into a deeper hole.
My brother “One Love”
Hope I can hear from you. You are a special child of GOD