At the political organizations steered by James Dobson — Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, and Exodus, among others — insults seem to have become part of doing business.
The latest indication of this: FRC says it will distribute fortune cookies at the GOP convention. Among the “fortunes”:
Real Men Marry Women:
Support a Constitutional Amendment to Protect Marriage
So now FRC is insulting single men and priests as well as same-sex-attracted men.
Save the Constitution!
Impeach an Activist Judge
Non-activist judges, presumably, favor smashing gay persons’ equality under the law, mandating conservative-Christian prayers in public schools and government offices, and allowing churches to use taxpayer money to lobby for political candidates.
#1 Reason to Ban Human Cloning:
Hillary Clinton
One expects spitballs like these from loudmouths like James Carville and Rush Limbaugh — not from a Christian organization claiming to defend women and families.
Hat tip to John Aravosis.
>The latest indication of this: FRC says it will distribute fortune cookies at the GOP convention. Among the “fortunes”:
>Real Men Marry Women:
>Support a Constitutional Amendment to Protect Marriage
This is a hoot. Real men marry women? Give me a break. They marry women and then they go out in search of sex with other men.
Too bad for the ladies.
BTW, having heard a few of those “real men” from the FRC, “real men” like Gary Bauer and Robert Knight and Peter LaBarbara (LaBarbara: I only have gay porn for research purposes–yeah, right), one seriously wonders how “real” those “men” are. Using their own terms, of course.
What, Christians aren’t allowed to have a sense of humor anymore? Please. Hillary is a big girl and can take it.
Marty, seriously. You’re sidestepping the point. The “humor” expressed is mean spirited and decidedly un-christian. Can you argue with that? Is it not hypocritical for a so called Christian organization to spread such sentiments?
Marty’s comment is proof positive that he is not a true christian. The christian mantra is to “act like Christ”. Their big slogan is WWJD (what would Jesus do?). Jesus would not condone the anti-gay antics of the FRC, Dobson, Falwell or anyone else calling themselves followers of Christ. I’m sure He is grieving over how far they have stayed from his true teachings. How sad.
Please Jim. And you people have the nerve to harp on “judgementalism”?
I see humor here. I see nothing un-christian (or particularly Christlike either) about it. And just because it is humor at YOUR expense doesn’t make it “meanspirited”, unless of course, you’re one of those people who go out of their way to get your feelings hurt…
Like i always say:
“Tolerance is having a thick skin, not a dull wit.”
“humor” at anyone else’s expense isn’t really humor and is almost always a meanspirited and thinly-glossed negative jab … and it’s usually followed by, “Hey I’m just kidding, can’t you take a joke?” Mostly it’s just plain ugly and unnecessary, and says far more about the person dishing it out than their intended target. People who make a habit (for some it’s not just a habit, it’s a lifestyle!) of aiming their barbs at others, whether at me or anyone else, whether their targets are present or absent, simply isn’t invited back into my company; such people aren’t conducive to healthy living or positive spirituality, and at my age, I’ve earned the right to remove negative folks from my environment.
I think FRC should include this fortune:
Pharisees and Teachers of the Law for Bush!
BTW, isn’t the concept of “fortune” cookies, er… rather pagan (non-christian)?
you were expecting congruence? 🙂
“Tolerance is having a thick skin, not a dull wit.”
I have to wonder, though, how hard you’d be laughing if the HRC were passing out fortunes that read “#1 Reason to Ban Human Cloning: Evangelical Christians.”
brett, as if we dont hear that sort of thing all the time — on this very site too. No, i like my fortune cookies with a grain of salt.
“No, i like my fortune cookies with a grain of salt.”
So do I, Marty. However, given their history and leadership, I can’t believe the FRC’s fortune cookies were offered with a grain of salt. I think it’d be ignorant or dishonest to claim otherwise.
Heh, fwiw the smart and reasonable christians at Christianity Today’s Blog (one of the best on the net, imo) agree with you guys:
Instead of informing public policy debates and countering the left’s argument that pro-life and pro-family causes are inherently misogynist, misanthropic, prejudiced, and unthinking, these cookies feed such stereotypes.
CT shares a bit of the mass media bias against independent and liberal denominations and faiths, but I agree that its coverage of conservative religion — as far as it goes — is fairly good.
The mass media, in my opinion, are worse. They tend to compare conservative church politics only with “secular” opposition, not with liberal and independent religious voices.
I give CT credit for covering politically independent religious networks like Sojourners/Call to Renewal now and then, and for discussing religious matters in depth without becoming lost in fiery rhetoric.