Psychotherapist Joe Kort wrote a book, published last year, titled 10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Improve Their Lives.

What smart things does Kort recommend?

  1. Take Charge of Their Own Lives
  2. Affirm Themselves by Coming Out
  3. Resolve Differences With Parents and Relatives
  4. “Graduate” From Delayed Adolescence
  5. Avoid — or Overcome — Sexual Addiction
  6. Learn from Successful Mentors Who’ve Been There, Done That
  7. Take Advantage of “Therapy Workouts”
  8. Achieve — and Maintain — Rewarding Relationships
  9. Understand the Stages of Love
  10. Commit to Their Partner

As it happens, I’ve been suggesting some similar steps to ex-gays, even if they opt not to identify as gay.

But is that wise? How should this advice differ for ex-gays?

As always, constructive gay, exgay and nongay reader comments are welcome.

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