The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association on June 2 applauded the publication of an American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement, “Sexual Orientation and Adolescence,” in the June 2004 issue of Pediatrics.

GLMA says the six-page document examines barriers to health care faced by sexual minority youth and “reaffirms the physician’s responsibility to provide comprehensive health care and guidance in a safe and supportive environment for all adolescents, including nonheterosexual adolescents and young people who are struggling with issues of sexual orientation.”

The ex-gay network Exodus is a critic of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which is “the premier professional organization of pediatricians and pediatric sub-specialists in the US and has over 50,000 members nationwide.” In April and again in May, Exodus bypassed the professional pediatric group when it needed scientific support. Instead, Exodus consulted a small, Bible Belt-based, antigay doctors’ outfit called the American College of Pediatricians.

More information will be forthcoming, when Exodus announces its reaction to the AAP policy statement.

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