James Dobson of Focus on the Family is releasing a new antigay/exgay book, “Marriage Under Fire,” in mid-June.

From Focus on the Family’s promotions for the book:

E-mail us your anecdotes, stories and observations about the value of marriage to you — and to society. How has being married made you a better man or woman? How has seeing the marriage of a friend or relative helped teach you valuable lessons about life? How did the unique contributions of each of your parents shape who you are today?

Those are the kinds of thoughts we’d like you to share in a message of no more than 400 words. Send it to citizenlink@family.org with the subject line “Why Marriage Matters” — and be sure to include your name, address and phone number, in case we need to contact you.

I invite XGW readers to send polite, heartfelt and compelling defenses of (gay) marriage — one per person, please.

(Thanks to XGW reader Devin for the heads-up.)

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