In a Nov. 10 “media spotlight,” Exodus cites actions by a British law enforcement and a Colorado family court as proof that U.S. homosexuals (“the perceived oppressed”) as a class are out to oppress, silence and punish anyone who disagrees with them.
In the first case, a bishop was interviewed by British authorities after he declared that gays need to get psychiatric help. Exodus does not quite explain how this qualifies as oppression or censorship, nor does it explain how the bishop’s action qualifies as Christian hospitality.
In the second case, previously discussed at XGW, a court ordered an ex-gay woman not to teach her hatreds to the child she shares with a lesbian.
Exodus confuses these actions with the U.S. constitutional separation of church and state. This separation does not apply in Britain, where the Church of England is the official church, and in Colorado the court attempted (however awkwardly) to balance the religious rights of both women, not just the ex-gay woman.
Does Exodus perhaps assume that the religious freedom of antigay Christians must override the religious freedom of others? Does Exodus assume that antigay hostility and Christian faith are inseparable?
Lacking solid evidence of religious oppression, Exodus resorts to strawman argumentation:
It is hypocritical of the few gay activists who say that Christians shouldn’t be politically involved because of faith when in reality all exercise of civil liberties is based on the individuals own belief system.
XGW is unaware of any gay activists who assert that Christians should not be politically involved. Of course, some gay activists are, in fact, Christian. Some are even conservative.
We all engage the system in faith that our beliefs about particular issues are right. Therefore, no one should be silenced or told by the government what they can or cannot say or believe in.
This viewpoint is admirable and worthy of applause. Unfortunately, Exodus frequently blasts the media for including diverse homosexual viewpoints. Case in point: Law & Order: SVU.
The gay identified community certainly deserve respect. As opponents in public policy they should be afforded every opportunity to speak their minds and do what is legally afforded to them. However, just like every other sub-cultural group, they can be and should be held accountable.
These are additional libertarian sentiments, but XGW is curious to see these sentiments reflected in Exodus’ actions. There are, no doubt, grounds under which segments of the gay population can be accurately and specifically criticized. Unfortunately, Exodus tends to overgeneralize. Instead of criticizing specific activists or events, it criticizes much of the gay population for the alleged beliefs or actions of an unidentified few. And when antigay Christians such as the Colorado ex-gay woman and the British bishop are criticized or held accountable, that is treated as persecution.
You write:
“In the second case, previously discussed at XGW, a court ordered an ex-gay woman not to teach her hatreds to the child she shares with a lesbian.”
Did the court really order the woman not to “teach her hatreds”?
Or did the court order the woman not to teach her daughter that she thought homosexuality is wrong? (Read the article).
If the latter is true, why did you report that the court ordered her not to teach “teach her hatreds”?
Go easy on the polemic. Confusing moral disagreement with hatred or hate-speech is a typical (and easy to avoid) tactic of the silence-all-dissent fascist left.
There are better ways to make your case.
Point well taken, regarding polemics.
But the original ruling ordered the ex-gay woman not to teach her daughter anything that might be considered homophobic.
Homophobia, in my personal opinion, relates to hatreds, not the belief that homosexuality is a sin. Nevertheless, I argued here that the word “homophobic” was inappropriately broad and could be misused to violate the ex-gay woman’s religious beliefs.
Instead of reporting the problematic wording of the ruling and seeking clarification, the Liberty Counsel opted to interpret the ruling in the most negative possible light and to make the case public and ugly.
The Washington Times is owned by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church, and as a matter of editorial policy it parrots the language of conservative groups. (Past and present reporters acknowledge this; journalists inside the Beltway are wary of working for the WT because we know our stories will be rewritten by political flacks.)
So the WT parroted the Liberty Counsel. And Exodus spokesman Randy Thomas parroted the WT — despite hearing frequent warnings from inside and outside Exodus that his news sources are unreliable.