In its CitizenLink newsletter for Oct. 1, Focus on the Family questioned Boston Herald sportswriter Ed Gray’s motive for acknowledging his sexual orientation.
From the newsletter’s “news briefs” section (not online):
Gray exploited the attention Bostonians are giving to the sports pages as the Major League Baseball playoffs get under way to write a piece called “Out and Proud.”
Focus cites Gray’s concern about “homophobia,” but does not detail the verbal threats and intimidation that Gray has witnessed. The Focus reader is left to assume that “homophobia” merely means what Focus has previously said it means: courageous and outspoken Christian conviction.
I’m sure that not many Boston Herald readers really give a tinkers damn about Focus on (some peoples’) Family’s bloviations.
I think it took great courage for him to come out, considering the field he’s in. “Exploited”. Good Lord and Lady. As if Focus does anything but “exploit” whatever comes down the pike to suit *their* agenda!