Earlier today, Mike A. noted that an ex-gay coalition has launched a web site, PATHinfo.org.
At this point, there is no evidence to suggest that this coalition is more than a
shell with, at best, high hopes, and in reality thus far, little substance.
PATHinfo.org, a 2-page website, offers no contact details apart from those
of its member organizations. None of the websites of its signatories
currently list press releases about it or link back to the PATHinfo.org
site. Folks looking for it on the web won’t find it via Google, either.
A Google News search produces a single hit, a July 9 press release about the founding of the group. It says that:
PATH was formed to promote greater public understanding and acceptance of
men, women and youth who experience same-sex attractions but prefer to
pursue “non-gay” alternatives that are congruent with their values, beliefs
and life goals. The coalition will also support greater access to
information and resources for those who seek change.
Apparently, PATH intends to promote public understanding but is not yet
ready to make itself available for public dialogue.
— Steve B.