TO: Ex-Gay Watch (via e-mail)

CC: Focus on the Family (via e-mail)

RE: Focus on the Family broadcast, 3/22/05

It’s somewhat odd that today on FNIF, Alan Chambers is whining about discrimination by a private corporation, Magellan Health Services, saying quote, “people are trying to tell others what to do,” and “everyone should have the right to self-determination.” This obviously reeks of hypocrisy: Exodus and FOTF are consistently telling happy and healthy gay Americans exactly what they should do and of course promoting discrimination against them, such as recently with Procter & Gamble.

It is odd they’re crying against discrimination, when they’re so fast to defend the right of private companies to discriminate.

Odd, too, they’re complaining about self-determination when they try to tell self-determined gay Americans how (not) to live their lives.

Daniel Steven Gonzales
Long Beach, California

FNIF broadcast (scroll to 5:40):
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