Dr. Dea reports her four or five child-patients, all under the age of 15 living as the opposite sex, as being ‘much happier’ and having better grades. She also stated she was ‘waiting for the study that says supporting these…
[O]pponents say the prospect of same-sex book-borrowing endangers the moral fiber of the country’s most sacred reading traditions. “What’s next—gay people at the DMV, being granted licenses to drive cars?” Rev. Brian Peters of Verona, WI said. “Will we be…
The Citizens For Responsible Curriculum (CRC) don’t like the newly proposed human sexuality curriculum for Maryland’s Montgomery County Public Schools, specifically as how it approaches sex education for eighth and tenth graders. The Washington Blade’s Joshua Lynsen reports that… …Montgomery…
Pro-exgay pundit and college professor Warren Throckmorton reports today: NARTH has had some changes in recent days. A. Dean Byrd, PhD, CEO of the LDS affiliated Thrasher Research Fund was appointed President-elect of NARTH and I heard through a friend…
This is the second part of a multiple part series about the term gender. Conservative religious organizations and ex-gay organizations use the term gender — and variants on the term gender — to group together GLB & T people in…
One of the difficulties with the US Government’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy is that when the Department Of Defense (DOD) discharges someone who has been determined to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual, the military has to list a reason…
NARTH’s Nicolosi Respects Self-Abhorrence
In yet another example of the type of thinking that alienates reasonable people, NARTH’s Dr. Joseph Nicolosi had this to say about fallen evangelist Ted Haggard: “If this man is saying, ‘This is a part of me that I abhor,’…
From NARTH’s Political Correctness Gone Amok: The Latest Controversy (October 10, 2006): “The bottom line,” said NARTH President Joseph Nicolosi, “is that NARTH’s mission has nothing to do with any social issue others than same-sex attraction. Our mission is to…
“Its statements routinely outrage gay-rights activists. But two commentaries posted online in recent months by members of NARTH’s scientific advisory committee have raised concerns among its closest allies as well.” –Stephanie Simon, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer, October 15, 2006…
Sexual Identity Therapist Dr. Warren Throckmorton, who recently pulled out of the NARTH conference program over their handling of Dr. Gerald Schoenewolf’s justification of slavery, has created this poignant video reminder of the historical facts surrounding this issue. The civil…