David Morrison and Ron Belgau are members of Courage, a group of same-sex-attracted Roman Catholics who believe homosexual behavior is sinful and therefore choose to be celibate. On Feb. 29, Morrison dissected the sloppy theology, stereotypes, and inhospitality of Barbara…
Catholic pro-celibacy blogger and Courage participant David Morrison remembers gay journalist Randy Shilts, who died ten years ago this month. Shilts was among the first journalists, and surely the most thorough, to track government and corporate callousness, and intransigence among…
Courage Founder: Blame Imbalanced Parents
The conservative Roman Catholic media agency Zenit published a lengthy interview Jan. 24 on the alleged parental and social origins of homosexuality. The sole subject of the article is John Harvey, founder of the pro-celibacy group Courage, who offers no…
Courage: Ron Belgau on Catholicism And Chastity
Ron Belgau of Courage Seattle gave a talk at Georgetown University last week: “The Love That Does Not Count the Cost: A Biblical Reflection on Same Sex Attraction and Christian Love” Belgau is a vocal advocate for chastity outside of…
Celibate Catholic Gays Dismiss Co-Existence
Conservative Catholic celibate gays in Providence, R.I., say that if God allowed it, they would like to be in monogamous relationships. But a Nov. 23 Providence Journal story (free subscription required) describes the local Courage chapter as a “12-step program”…