…me it’s the exgays shutting down and censoring forums. Here, let’s have a look: Since the inception of the Exodus: Live Out Loud blog (which has essentially become the new…
Search results for: "exodus-exgays-r-1"
…which this glossary is based is even older — it’s dated 2002. Both Randy Thomas at Exodus and British exgay advocate Peter Ould act as though this is breaking news,…
In a Feb. 15 American Family Association article that is reprinted as a Feb. 18 press release, exgay umbrella group Exodus accuses unnamed “homosexual activists” of intolerance toward Focus on…
…heard. Linda Ames Nicolosi is the publications director for NARTH. [Letter to the editor, Mustang Daily, May 31, 2002] Before Nicolosi’s letter the issue of ex-gays had not even been…
…and they are obsessed about the status of exgays (even changing the name like a heterosexual with issues). Exgays often seem compulsive and obsessive with sexuality. David Roberts Pomo, No…
Agape Story: A Small Irony
…”ex-gay”. It is amusing to watch how AFA/AgapePress, Focus on the Family, CBN, etc. support “ex-gays” while not using the term “gay” while they qoute “ex-gays” who use “gay”. So,…
Thought Toddler Gay, Dad Kills Son
…its residual negatives would still exist. Exgays didn’t create nor do they have they corner the market on it. Guilt and shame is a built in human condition. You could…
Questioning Exgays About Hate Speech
…appropriate to hold Exodus-affiliated exgays accountable. Gay-tolerant and gay-affirming mail to the Exodus national office is either misquoted or ignored. Perhaps it is time to consider politely asking Exodus-affiliated local…
…in which Randy serves as vice president: Exodus [International] provides an indisputable voice of reason backed by a chorus of voices whose changed lives. As Exodus celebrates its 30th year…
…claim to have met. Why does Exodus allow these false statements to be made under its auspices, and where do the Exodus web site or other Exodus resources discuss multi-causal…