Reading the life stories any of us write about ourselves, whether gay or ex-gay, family or friend, it’s not always easy to get a sense of context and nuance. Having perceptions and memories of others can help fill in the…
Gay Terrorists: Misguided Generalizations
1 Min Read
1 Min Read
5 reports a bomb scare at a Lutheran school near Cleveland. It was evacuated after a caller threatened to blow up the school unless the pastor announced on TV that he supported gay marriage. No bomb was found. A parent,…
Simply Being, Sans Labels
2 Min Read
2 Min Read
Tom McGeveran names himself a “shmomosexual” and frets over the work of the Fab Five becoming more prominent in public consciousness than that of the supreme nine. The stories of chiseled hotties on Boy Meets Boy labor under the weight…
The Human Face of Schism
1 Min Read
1 Min Read
It’s tempting to use war language to describe the politics that affect gays and ex-gays: Battles, attacks, retreats, wins, and losses. In the end, much of it becomes more personal than that, though. The issues play out in families, in…
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