OutQ Radio report today on a new Gallup poll surveying moral attitudes placed onto the lives gay and lesbian Americans. Given that I do not live by other peoples’…
Search results for: "gallup-poll"
From The Gallup Organization: May 15, 2003 Six Out of 10 Americans Say Homosexual Relations Should Be Recognized as Legal But Americans are evenly divided on issue of legal civil…
Support for Gay Marriage Declining?
CD Nationally, gay marriage has polled ~32% for gay marriage, ~28% for civil unions, and ~40% against either without much apparent change since last fall in ‘hard’ polling, where the…
FRC Opens Fire on Bush Campaign
…public “do-as-we-say-or-else” approach to the Republican Party. A recent Gallup poll offers the religious right no comfort in its growing isolation and financial distress. The same poll may offer the…
A Sign of Changing Attitudes
…anachronism. Another evidence that gay people are beginning to be recognized and valued as a part of the American family is a new poll from the folks at Gallup. Between…
Focus on the Family’s Moral Relativism
Claiming that most Americans oppose gay “marriage,” Focus on the Family promotes moral relativism with a definition of marriage based on the whims of public opinion. A recent Gallup Poll…
XGW Digest: May 23, 2015
…is outed on Grindr. -Longtime LGBT activist William Kelley has died. -Oregon Gov. Kate Brown signs a ban on conversion therapy for minors. -A new Gallup poll finds 60% support…
Fewer Journalists Say They’re Democrats
…to slightly above 37 percent, moving this figure closer to the overall population percentage of 32 percent, according to a July 29-31, 2002, Gallup national telephone poll of 1,003 adults….
Threats to Marriage
…Family Research Council. What matters is FRC’s foregone conclusion. An associate of mine notes that a Gallup Poll last month found a near-majority of American people favoring legal recognition of…