Focus on the Family is known for its opposition to gay marriage.
In California, however, the organization doesn’t want gays to be monogamous and responsible, either.
Focus cheers lawsuits filed by Christian Right groups to stop a new California law that increases the responsibilities and rights of domestic partners.
Focus seems to be a big fan of excessive litigation — when it’s on the side of those doin’ the suin’.
In my opinion, James Dobson and Focus on the Family are among the biggest frauds going. Their standard approach (and this seems to be true of most all of the “Chrisian” Right organizations) is to accuse all that oppose Dobson’s agenda as being guilty of what in fact are his own dishonest motives and conduct. Hence, gays are accused of intolerance when infact, the intolerance lies with Dobson and FOF. His newest fraudulent line is to whine about “judicial tyrrany” when the tyrants is actual Dobson and his allies who seek to force all citizens to be bound by their un-Christian and downright nutty religious belief (so much fo freedom of religion for anyone but Dobson and his ignorant and/or uninformed followers). The only “offense” of the federal judiciary is that it blocks Dobson’s anti-democratic and theocratic agenda.
In my opinion, James Dobson is a lying demagogue and one of the most dishonest figures in religion today in the U.S. Worse yet, he seems to pattern his disingenuous propaganda techniques on those of Hitler and the Nazis. The man needs to be exposed for the lying fraud that he is whenever he begins to utter untrue facts and statements.
I am certainly going to do my best to work for that goal.
Michael Hamar
Norfolk, Virginia