- Chasing the Devil: Inside the Ex-Gay Movement to debut at the Birmingham SHOUT Film Festival.
- Openly gay Anglican Bishop Gene Robinson not invited to Lambeth conference; plans a GLBT-supportive event, same Lambeth place, same Lambeth time.
- Box Turtle Bulletin continues its coverage of the Glenn Stanton controversy with an excellent article by Patrick Chapman.
- CitizenLink touts the health benefits of marriage, but don’t hold your breath waiting for them to extend those benefits to same sex couples.
Did anyone catch the segment on Good Morning America today about some parents of a gay teenager who are also researching links between sexual orientation and genes and environment in utero? I may have read the name wrong (I was watching it from an angle as I bounced up and down on a cardio machine), but I could have sworn that one of the interviewed as Stanton Jones.
This doesn’t have anything to do with the daily digest, but I figured that the daily digest post would be the least off-topic place I could give a heads up about the segment. Oh, and also, the website for their research was gaybros.com
I heard the promo tease-bit just as I was going out the door this morning. I did read the write-up on abcnews.com but I wonder what people thought of this, too!