I have an unverified report claiming this wednesday Dr. Phil is to tape a show tentatively called “Hope to Heal Your Gay Teen?” GLAAD wishes to pack the audience with supporters. If you are in Southern California and would like to be one of those supportive audience members click below for more info.
XGW reader Christine informed me that Justin, the Executive Director of GayChristian.Net will be appearing in the broadcast.
Update: Damon Romine, Entertainment Media Director at GLAAD, emailed me denying they have issued any press releases on the taping.
This Wednesday, 10/5, the Dr. Phil show will be taping an episode tentatively called “Hope to Heal Your Gay Teen?” Obviously the subject matter could be problematic, and GLAAD is currently working with them on how they approach the material.
They have offered to fill the audience with GLAAD supporters and allies. If you are able to attend, that would be great. They are holding “special guest” seats for those who are on the list and say they are calling because of GLAAD (otherwise you’ll find yourself waiting in a space available line of people who they scoop up on Hollywood Blvd.).
Also, please forward this to your friends to get as many LGBT supporters in the audience as possible.
To attend the show, call Dr. Phil’s audience wrangler, Tomiko, at 323.956.3426. You + 4 guests may attend, but you have to provide all names when you call. TELL TOMIKO YOU ARE CALLING BECAUSE OF GLAAD. DEADLINE TO CALL IS 8pm ON TUESDAY.
You must arrive no later than 8:00 am Wednesday. Expect to stay until noon.
Taping is at Paramount Studios:
860 North Gower Street
Hollywood, CA 90038
Park in the parking structure across the street.
Go through the audience entrance, which is underneath a giant blue whale painting.
You must wear business attire and dress in dark solid colors.
Thank you and we hope to see you all there!
Heidi Lee
Leadership Council Officer
Doesn’t Dr. Phil have an anti-gay history? I think on Oprah he said gays shouldn’t raise children. Now that ex-gay groups and their attempts to brainwash teens are gaining more media traction (thanks a lot, ABC/View), Dr. Phil feels safe to jump on the bandwagon.
These shows are watched by a lot of suburban mothers and grandmothers, and this will make them more likely to turn against gays and push confused teens into dangerous hate groups.
Speaking of unverified…
You’re not providing a source for the claim Dr. Phil made anti-gay comments on Oprah. If such a thing was said it was surely documented in the gay media and should be cited.
That’s why I said, “I think”. I could be wrong.
many things are not doccumented in the gay media. the “proof” here is that he would even prodcue an episode with “Ex-gay” as a topic. that should be enough to prove his homophobia. people who don’t hate homosexuals don’t even think about such a thing, let alone produce a show about it.
dr phil has long been associated with fundamentalist, evangelical churches, a point which has been downplayed by his PR people since his emergence as a media player. if you pay attention to his show, he is often judgemental of his guests, pushing a male-dominant, conservatice social agenda. given these neo-con ticks, it’s not surprising he’s homophobic and willing to use his show to vilify homosexuality to his audience.
Phil McGraw has been a long associate of the founders of Amway (DeVos I think is their name) and has endorsed Amway’s undercurrent of fundamentalist christianity. I saw some photos of him with these people on an Amway Survivor’s website. There are also tape recordings of Dexter Yeager (the lead Amway Fundamentalist Scumbag), giving a lecture to christian women to avoid queer hairstylists because they were out to steal their husbands. This should give you some idea of the real Phil McGraw, and he’s nothing like the toned down version we see on TV.
I haven’t paid a lot of attention to the pop-psych “Dr” Phil, but the only way to get rid of these media creeps is to protest to their advertizers. And to other advertizers on the stations that carry him. He appears to be nothing more than “Dr” Laura in different drag.
As far as I’m concerned psych therapy is nothing more than voodoo. I could be persuaded otherwise, but nobody has even tried to present evidence that it is anything other than voodoo.
I put in a call anyway.
I represented myself as a straight member of the GLAAD theater committe who is gay supportive.
TIME magazine’s next issue is all about gay teens. It’s online now if you want to check it out.
I still don’t get that people see that whatever they have against gay people is a conditioning arrogated by holy writ.
This has nothing to do with REALITY, just emotions about gay people.
The cultures that accepted gay people have been supplanted by the influence of Christians and Muslims, and the conservatives today try to rewrite history as if homosexuality was NEVER accepted in any cultures, or if it was…was insinuated as pedophilia.
As if in heterosexual history, wives and lovers weren’t underaged compared to the standards we have now.
And raj is right….WHATEVER anyone has to say against homosexuals is voodoo.
It’s rooted in religious belief, or in the emotional rants of OTHER heterosexuals.
What opportunities that homosexuals have had to contribute to edifying the public about themselves get dismissed out of hand or as being part of some amorphous ‘agenda’.
I can hardly wait to really sit down with the TIME cover issue on gay teens.
They have a link to write to the contributor of this cover story.
How can this disscussion EVER be accurated unless and until honesty be introduced into the mix?
If gay kids aren’t allowed to be honest, if honesty isn’t appreciated or believed…there is no anti gay heterosexual, or ex-heterosexual that knows ‘The Truth’, whatsoever.
Simply because the truth, isn’t in the mix.
One can’t claim something that isn’t there to claim to begin with.
I tend to work from simple logic. Ya feel me?
Actually, now that I see the title for the topic of the show….
It’s assuming that gay kids require healing.
From what?
Heterosexual hostility, and ostracism?
Hetero arrogance and myth?
Are we to infer from that title they need healing from homosexuality?
So far, gay people’s biggest problem is heterosexuals.
I wonder why heteros don’t accept THAT?
dan said, “many things are not doccumented in the gay media.”
Well, this time it is. Back on October 1, 2002, the Advocate ran this piece: https://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1589/is_2002_Oct_1/ai_92084094
where Dr. Phil uncategorically states, “The sexual orientation of the couple trying to adopt a child wouldn’t be in the top 10 of questions I would ask,” says Dr. Phil, who is married with two sons. “It wouldn’t even be on the list. We’ve asked Rosie O’Donnell to come on and help us educate people about those issues and let us lend our support to what she’s trying to do to extend the rights of gay and lesbian couples to adopt children. I believe strongly in what she’s doing, and I want to lend my platform to helping her. If you see her, tell her to come.”
This is why you must must MUST back up such assertions with citations. how else can any of us determine the truth or lack thereof of a statement if you don’t?
dan goes on to say, “the “proof” here is that he would even prodcue an episode with “Ex-gay” as a topic. that should be enough to prove his homophobia. people who don’t hate homosexuals don’t even think about such a thing, let alone produce a show about it.”
Well, that certainly isn’t self-evident. Considering how much ex-gay ministires and teens have been in the news lately (the new TIME has a cover story on it even), it makes sense that Dr. Phil might find it an appropriate subject for his show. The blurd for the show also does not betray a bias against gay people: “Do you plan on healing or curing your gay or lesbian teen by the power of prayer or by sending your teen to a “gay-to-straight” ministry?
If you’re seeking drastic measures to cure your teen who recently told you he/she is gay, please e-mail us your story.” That’s it.
He does, however, respond to a mother’s question about her daughter’s sexuality this way:
“Homosexuality is not a learned behavior. A sexual orientation is inherited; you are wired that way. Certainly some people will experiment with a gay lifestyle, and a gay person might experiment with a heterosexual one. If she is really gay, she will find a place in that life and in that community. The important thing is that you just love her through that. What difference does it make if she is gay? Accept her, support her and do not be judgmental. It is difficult enough for her to live openly and honestly in this society; don’t put your judgment on top of that.”
Further, if one explores Dr. Phil’s website, what we find are plenty of links to PFLAG chapters, anti-bullying campaigns, hate crime resources, etc—all geared towards positive views of homosexuality.
Thus, when one actually does the research and PROVIDES THE CITATIONS one finds that the kneejerk reaction to a show about ex-gay ministires is not only unfounded but simply ridiculous.
Regan said: “Actually, now that I see the title for the topic of the show….
It’s assuming that gay kids require healing.”
It’s doing no such thing. Notice the question mark at the end. It’s questioning the idea that gay kids can be healed.
Really, folks, I’m appalled at the resistance to researching before responding here. We have enough foes out there to worry about, there’s no need to create new ones out of thin air.
Thank you Robis I’m glad someone did their homework before commenting.
Thanks for emphasizing the point that opinions are only valid if substantiated.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’d like to write original content for XGW, even occasionally. 🙂
Does anyone know when this is going to air? I tend to avoid Dr. Phil like the plague, but I definetely want to watch this one! I just can’t seem to find that info anywhere.
Update: Damon Romine, Entertainment Media Director at GLAAD, emailed me denying they have issued any press releases on the taping.
Dan: Is this the same thing as denying that the Dr. Phil show and GLAAD are collaborating to pack the studio audience?
Blood in the water Warren?
By the way, looks like the freakshow at Yahoo’s “ex-gay discussion board” got an email from Richard Cohen about the Dr. Phil show.
That’s why I am asking. I am interested in finding out what the person is really saying.
Interesting that Warren Throckmorton commented on this topic, as I was about to make a comment linking to his site.
A friend pointed me to this piece by Dr. Warren about Dr. Phil’s support of gays.
In it, Dr. Warren argues that if Dr. Phil is going to urge people to change their weight even if it might be partially genetic, then it somehow follows that gays should be encouraged to change (or manage) their sexuality:
“I think it is a fine idea to manage one’s eating in accord with one’s beliefs and health goals. Why does this culture think it is so bizarre to do the same with sexuality?”
I do have to admit…”managing sexuality” seems a bit closer in reality to what ex-gays actually do than the myth of “complete change.” But I’m not clear why Dr. Phil’s support of gays is the same thing as “cause[ing] people struggling with unwanted homosexual feelings to lose hope.”
By the way, Robis, I also would like to thank you for your research and posting on this topic.
No worries Robis,
I booked the show and will be in the audience. I’d rather be there and see what happens and will report here later on.
I don’t know much about Dr. Phil, but I do think I understand Throckmorton.
Hey, Throckmorton-obesity and sexuality are two different things.
Eating, sex and such…are not lifestyles-but instinctual urges for survival.
EXCESS of these things can injure, not the undertaking of them.
Overeating leads to life threatening obesity and it’s attendant complications are evident.
Promiscuity is a sign of detachment from emotions and sexual bonding.
These occur in heterosexuals as well as homosexuals.
See, Throckmorton, you won’t get off the ‘gay sex is a pathology’ train.
Gay sex won’t kill you. It isn’t a moral decision or unhealthy.
Even heterosexual sex poses risks, especially to women. So get real about what’s the SAME in any sexuality, and don’t try to weigh gay sexuality heavier than it really is with religious fantasy.
Reality would be refreshing. Another approach would be too to how we respond to homosexuality.
You don’t want acceptance of homosexuality to settle the matter of emotional satisfaction with it. And that’s the only thing that will.
Were a gay youngster to know from the beginning that his gay orientation won’t be a source of abandonment or hostility or violence, and his gay peers are comforted to know it too-I doubt there would be so many gay youngsters unhappy to be gay.
The gay people that are, are forced to be that way by social conditioning. Not a spontaneous internal source.
And gay people are required to be silent about who they really are.
And are threatened if they are not.
Coercion toxifies your assertion that gays and lesbians ‘choose’ not to want to be gay.
The silencing of gay youth and honesty disqualifies anyone claiming they know the truth about homosexuality.
I saw the picture of the bodies of the gay teens executed by hanging in Iran.
Evidently, they were standing in the bed of a pickup truck, and the truck driven out from under them, leaving them hanging in the middle of a crowded street.
I don’t know what the banner above them said. It was in Arabic.
Any other homosexual person would be driven to unhealthyness witnessing something like that, now wouldn’t they?
The same way blacks were intimidated by lynching to not even THINK about social congress with white people.
Considering the real intimidation, assaults and killings of gay youth in our country…
silencing isn’t hard. Not wanting to be gay, a concern under those conditions even here.
The kids that come out and assert their presence, have a courage our nation should be proud of. Bear a compassion that is exemplary.
These are youth to be encouraged, not repressed.
What I find despicable about you Throckmorton, is you won’t even admit to the coercion factor and how it taints things you support and how much your business thrives on that intimidation, assault, threat, violence, ignorance and fear.
Any ex-gay support for that matter can ONLY thrive in such conditions.
And no legitimate, compassionate doctor would want his business to thrive on the resultant heartache from all of the above causes.
I am a forensic photographer with the Los Angeles Police Dept. and even I found those pictures of those executed Iranian boys worthy to weep.
Gotta love this part of Cohen’s message:
>>Even if this show (we have no air date yet) turns out to be disappointing, HAVE
NO FEAR, the truth is close behind. At least they are sitting up and paying
attention to us now (there is an article in TIME magazine this week about
Exodus). It’s only a matter of time before we have wonderful opportunities to
share and be heard. Right now, too much money and power is at stake. That’s what
it all boils down to: Dr. Phil, Oprah and the like cannot risk endangering their
SSA market – they wield much power and money. So, to present the real facts
about homosexuality would mean loosing ratings and ratings amount to money. It’s
all a numbers game at this point. BUT, we shall keeep moving forward…until
it’s time to turn the page!
Just to take a shot at Throckmorton, what kind of doctor worth his degree is it that can’t tell the difference between obesity and homosexuality by analogizing those issues when it comes to something life threatening?
I’ve heard of mental illnesses that cause a person to be insistent on something that exists, that doesn’t.
And in that mix, a refusal to understand homosexual FUNCTIONING and COMPETENCY, as opposed to acknowleging disorders IN ALL PEOPLE that compromise said function and competency.
And then bases a non existent ‘disorder’ on lack of religious discipline, or at least supports others that call it that.
That’s a lot like calling my strength and talent for boxing and ability to be a forensic photographer a disorder, because these attributes are usually accepted in men.
Then at the same time calling me weak, because other people might not accept those abilities in me. And then leading a political movement to keep me from being married, because men don’t like women who can or are willing to be and do such things.
I’ve been reading through Living Waters manual so generously provided by someone who underwent their program.
Boy, oh boy….what we have here is the most redundant, repetitive and excruciatingly CONFORMIST line of ideology I’ve ever seen.
It is offensive on too many levels to barely scratch here.
Yeesh, Throckmorton…you agree with this?
And you don’t have much motivation to
distinguish certain important factors of normal function and socio/political pressure.
It’s not that you’re inintelligent.
It’s just that the arrogance inherent in your beliefs, trusts that other people are too stupid or desparate to challenge such crap.
I can see this ‘we support tyrannizing you for your own good’ doctrine in everything you support.
I wouldn’t be exaggerating if that’s EXACTLY how Nazis dealt with gay people at the burgeoning of Nazi influence.
Fear is a powerful tool isn’t it?
If you deny it or feel insulted by that. Too bad.
It’s an undisputable truth.
I fail to see how your rant against Prof. Throckmorton relates to this topic.
I wonder what it would feel like to believe simultaneously that gays and gay-positive people are a tiny tiny group but have such awesome power that none can withstand us.
That must be why they hate us so much.
Personally, I’d like to think it’s more fear than hate. Ex-gays seem to be extremely damaged people, and their reasoning seems to be that since they’re gay and were into self-destructive lifestyles, then that must be what “being gay” is about.
Even the RR people who are pimping the ex-gays, I mean, if you assume they actually believe the viewpoints they push, they’ve got to be terrified. Imagine that you’re Brian Camenker, and you honestly do believe that hoards of perverts are invading your kids’ schools with the intention of molesting them, and that this is being actively encouraged by the state and the media. I’d be too scared to sleep at night.
Well Mike,
I’ll rant usually after I’ve been talking to one of my young gay friends, bewildered by what’s going on around them, and people like Throckmorton contributing to the damage and in DENIAL about it.
Perhaps I don’t always make sense, or I might be a turnoff because of how I execute a point.
If the topic was Dr. Phil’s show, it’s format and his support or not of gay youth, then what most media does is take a very tame or back handed approach to what concerns gay kids.
That is to say, since it’s gay life in question, why are heterosexuals so insistent it’s THEIR opinion that matters more?
TIME magazine did include Exodus and pictures of praying boys in the gay teen issue.
At least informing that these groups exist. Which is something they try to assert all the time.
There is no even handed approach that ex gay RT takes. I have tried SO MANY times to approach Dr. Throckmorton, and others who support ex gay ministry or RT and give them an opportunity for discussion as I was doing research to even up sides.
I got stonewalled, obfuscation and offensive condescension.
Now that I have the Living Waters manual in my hands and can see the approach taken, I’m not impressed.
But I do try to give thorough study to something before speaking up.
Ironically, as I was about out the door to attend the taping, that’s when one of my young gay friends called me.
The others in the group here have been really great and I take their experience and intellect gratefully.
Don’t spank me Mike. I’m dealing with some tender young lives here.
And most of all, I want THEIR voices to be heard.
Not that of the Throckmorton’s of the world.
Men (and they are too often men) like him have had their chance in the anals of history and fail and never admit they are unnecessary and do more harm than good.
If Dr. Phil’s show was an opportunity for the public to see how this divide is fueled, great.
I”m concerned that men in broadcasting do the RIGHT thing and not perpetuate problems without the participation of those most affected.
GLAAD denies issuing a so-called “press release,” but a GLAAD statement to the mainstream media is not what’s at issue here.
Did Heidi Lee of GLAAD issue a call for a gay presence in the audience, or didn’t she? And is that such a big deal? Antigay organizations — political organizations of all sorts — do the same thing.
Just an FYI, according to Justin on GCN, the show in question will be airing on Wednesday, October 19th.
[Comment deleted by the moderator — it was an off-topic message containing broad insults against gay persons as a class.
Antigay commenters are welcome at Ex-Gay Watch, but they must follow the same rules as everyone else: Messages must be on topic and should refrain from broad overgeneralizations and defamation.]