-The Wyoming Senate kills an anti-discrimination bill.

-The French Assembly votes in favor of marriage equality.

-French forces free two gay Malian men sentenced to execution.

-An ex-gay advocate is caught using Grindr.

-The British House of Commons votes for marriage equality.

-An ex-gay therapist in Canada is sentenced to prison for sexually assaulting his clients.

-US Rep. Jerrold Nadler introduces a bill to extend immigration rights to gay couples.

-The Boy Scouts of America defers action on changing its anti-gay policies.

-The Ugandan Parliament keeps the “Kill the Gays” bill on its to do list.

-Two members of the Phelps family share why they left Westboro Baptist Church.

-A British teenager commits suicide after years of anti-gay bullying.

-Sean Eldridge, husband of Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, files to run for Congress.

-Ukraine inches toward recognition of gay rights.

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