-A Swedish football team fires its entire first squad for chanting homophobic slurs at an opposing team.

-A new poll finds strong support for marriage equality in Oregon, New Jersey and Illinois.

-The Beekman Boys win the Amazing Race.

-The Merck Foundation suspends its support of the Boy Scouts of America.

-The FBI reports that hate crimes based on sexual orientation increased in 2011.

-Singer Katy Perry accepts an award from the Trevor Project.

-Justice Antonin Scalia reiterates his opposition to gay rights.

-Scientists from the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis propose a new theory on the origin of homosexuality.

-Uruguay’s House of Representatives passes a marriage equality bill.

-The Illinois legislature may vote on marriage equality as soon as January.

-A new study from Third Way examines which messages work best in winning votes for equality.

-A marriage bill is introduced in the Scottish parliament.

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