-The Intel Foundation ends its giving to the Boy Scouts to protest the Scouts’ discriminatory policies.

-Newspaperman and former baseball team owner Kevin McClatchy comes out of the closet.

-Congressman Paul Ryan declares that he would not try to reinstate Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

-Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy denies that the company is cutting its support to anti-gay groups.

-The Supreme Court opts not to include any cases related to DOMA or Prop 8 on its preliminary schedule for the upcoming season.

-Pro-equality Republican Roy McDonald has lost his reelection bid in New York.

-French President Francois Hollande calls on UN members to decriminalize homosexuality.

-A Hong Kong businessman offers $65 million to any man who can woo his lesbian daughter.

-A couple whose wedding photo was used in an anti-gay political ad files a lawsuit.

-The Department of Homeland Security reclassifies same-sex couples as families for immigration purposes.

-The Austin, TX city council passes a resolution supporting marriage equality.

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