Exodus International President Alan Chambers will be appearing on Dr Drew tonight (Friday, April 15). The show airs at 9.00pm ET and PT on CNN’s HLN Network. According to Exodus, Alan will share “his personal story as well as sharing the message and mission of Exodus International.”
I’ll be watching in the hope of finding out today’s official Exodus position on being gay and Christian.
Is Dr. Drew an idiot? it!s obvious he is unfamiliar of Biblical teaching. Quit trying not to offend people. Homosexuality is a sin——- period. The Bible clearly teaches that, and when you practice homosexuality you are sinning,and will go to hell—–bottom line. Jesus loves the sinner, but hates the sin. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality. This is a spirit of perversion, and it is running rampant. Too many Christians are compromising their faith, due to false teaching. Homosexuality is an abomination to God. This is sickening to me, no one is born this way, it comes from a generational spirit brought forth from a generational curse. Those who are practicing homosexuality and think they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ are being deceived.
So when did you first realize you were gay, Toni?
You need more Bible study, Toni. Sodom & Gomorrah is about hospitality, not homosexuality. You should also realize that many of us are way past the practicing stage and well into perfection.
Those who are practicing homosexuality and think they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ are being deceived.”
And did Jesus tell you this personally, or did you make it up all by yourself?
Who exactly are YOU to tell OTHER people about thier relationship with Jesus? Seeing how Jesus was quite clear about the need to achieve your own perfection before you start lecturing other people about their sins, I would suggest that your OWN relationship with Jesus may require some work. You wouldn’t want to get hit by a car this afternoon BEFORE you get all that straightened out.
Here are some pointers to the sheeple that follow the people who bash gay people by using the bible as a thought shield. 1st: the bible was written by man, not God. 2: many of it’s stories were taken from even more ancient societies all of which worshipped many Gods including countless children of the gods stories which all gave the key points to the jesus story, look it up it’s there. 3: Sodom & Gamorrah is a hospitality story, not a gay story. There is a passage in other books saying if you lay down with same sex, animal, servent it is an abomination, however, this is still written by a man, not god. 4: anytime you start your argument with “the bible says” you have completely defeated yourself before you have begun because not everyone is a Christian, the books in there are not the complete works, and finally you are NOT critically thinking.
don’t feed the troll, people. it’s not worth it.
Here’s the transcript.
That’s Friday’s official Exodus position on being gay and Christian, and it looks like CNN will be airing part 2 of “pray away the gay” tonight, so I can’t wait to find out what their latest official position is.
Changing Gay is like Changing eye colour. Our son is gay and we wouldn’t change him for the world. Its the rest of the world that needs changing. My comment is Mind your own business and look after your own bedroom!
Most people who use the bible to judge are being idiotic. God, nor Jesus do not judge on worldly levels. Grow the fuck up and let people live.