-The National Organization for Marriage targets Rhode Island.

-The US State Department adopts gender-neutral terms for parents’ names on children’s passport applications.

-Religious right activist Cindy Jacobs blames the recent bird and fish deaths in Arkansas on the repeal of DADT.

-Ugandan opposition leader Kizza Besigye calls for the decriminalization of homosexuality.

-A male model confesses to murdering fashion reporter Carlos Castro to “get rid of his homosexual demons.”

-The GLBT History Museum opens in San Francisco.

-An employee at Pastor Scott Lively’s new coffee shop is discovered to be a convicted sex offender.

-A gay-positive billboard in Schenectady, NY draws opposition from local Christians.

-Black Entertainment Television runs a feature spotlighting 36 LGBTs of color.

-The township of Haverford, PA passes an anti-discrimination ordinance.

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