Wayne Besen points out a bizarre change in the name of the ex-gay organization JONAH. Formerly Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality, JONAH have apparently changed (most) references to their name on the website to Jews Offering New Alternatives to Healing.
(As of writing this article, they have neglected to change it in their header, making the old name visible at the top of internet browsers and in search engines.)
It is no surprise that JONAH would try to revamp their image following two recent scandals, but it is a surprise that they have chosen a name that makes no sense. As an ex-gay outreach, they try to offer an alternative to homosexuality, but the alternative is healing — or so they claim. “Alternatives to Healing” makes no sense in this context. But then again, nor do the empty promises of ex-gay therapy, and even a shiny new logo and a name change will not alter that.
VERY interesting. But as you say, it makes no sense: if “healing” is being used in the ex-gay way, then the alternative is remaining gay and not pretending not to be; but it’s not exactly likely they’d so completely reverse their focus: why even continue to exist?
And if they’re using “healing” in the NON-ex-gay way, as in restoration to health, then the alternative is to remain ill. Hardly something anyone would openly endorse.
Is it possible that the change was a mistake or accident of some kind, then?
I thought it might be a one-off mistake, but I found the name change in at least two places on the site, so it’s definitely intentional.
It makes perfect sense. An alternative to healing is exactly what they are offering.
At last! honesty from the anti-ex-gay industry.
They forgot to change the contents of their tag. What do you expect from a third rate extortion racket founded by Abba Goldberg?
sorry I mean their html title tag